Market report of an IPO prospectus for an online classifieds player
Preparation of a market report for an online classifieds player in the real estate and automotive sectors, to be used as an IPO prospectus
Driver and assumption-based market modeling and analysis based on secondary research and expert interviews, e.g.
Analysis of the volume and value of the size and forecast development of the new and used car market in Germany
Analysis of the car dealership landscape and consolidation trends
Evolution of marketing spend by car dealers in Germany by channel (classifieds online vs. print, other online vs. offline)
Analysis of the return on investment for online vs. print classified ads in comparison to the competition (in terms of EUR per 1000 ad views)
Analysis of the payback for online vs. print classified ads (in terms of the number of sales required to amortize the membership fee)
Ready-to-use market report for IPO Prospectus