Optimization of location marketing for the Portuguese investment promotion company
Decrease in foreign direct investments in Portugal (PT) as a result of the eastward enlargement of the EU - Support for the Portuguese Investment Promotion Agency (AICEP) in location marketing with a focus on German companies
Location analysis
Expert interviews with associations, clusters, authorities, AHKs, etc., as well as management surveys among German companies with branches in PT (e.g. reasons for investing in PT, important location factors, strengths and weaknesses of PT, main competitors, future investment intentions, etc.)
Research and evaluation of available metrics from e.g. World Bank, WEF, OECD, Eurostat, EC, Pordata, INE etc. to underpin location advantages in a European and global comparison (e.g. proportion of the population with tertiary education, graduates, unemployment rates and proportion of vacancies by subject, average wages and labor productivity, average spoken languages, infrastructure quality, real estate prices, GBAORD etc.)
Derivation of suitable target sectors ("Who?")
Analysis of the capital stock development of German companies in Portugal by sector and greenfield vs. incremental investments
Evaluation of the location factors regarding suitability for certain sectors and value-added activities
Derivation of promising target sectors (e.g. bioengineering, software development etc.) and value-added activities (e.g. R&D, SSCs etc.)
Derivation of suitable messages ("What?")
Selection and prioritization of suitable arguments and metrics per sector and value creation activity
Identification of pseudo-arguments to avoid "whitewashing" (e.g. strategic location, strong supplier base, flexible labor law, etc.)
Emphasis on relevant reforms (e.g. corporate tax reform, Simplex program, more flexible labor market, judicial reform, etc.)
Derivation of suitable measures ("How?")
Benchmarks with other successful investment promotion companies as well as international publications on best practices
Cost-benefit analysis of lead generation measures (e.g. addressing potential investors directly, organizing road shows abroad, holding seminars on investment opportunities, maintaining contact with journalists, advertising in specialist media, ongoing website maintenance, etc.)
Evaluation of the handling of specific inquiries and projects (e.g. with regard to availability, quality of answers, scope of services, etc.)
Revision of pitch materials to convey relevant, credible and timely information in an appealing way
Holistic concept for location marketing including suitable target sectors, messages and measures, including positioning as an innovation and talent location (vs. shortage of skilled workers in Germany) instead of as a pure low-wage location