Optimization of operations processes and organizational structures
Foreseeable scaling difficulties due to historically developed operations processes and organizational structures, which had not yet been critically challenged
Documentation of as-is operations process in a comprehensive standardized process manual for city managers, shift managers, operations personnel and franchisees (100+ pages plus annexes)
Collecting inputs for all operations processes in structured employee interviews and work shadowings, e.g.
Developing standardized process descriptions (i.e. objective, dependencies, required tools, steps, result and output, responsibility, best practices etc.)
Creating complementary in-depth documents such as checklists, templates etc. as needed
Deployment for target group in Confluence
Prioritization of fields of action based on time recordings, cost analyses, customer feedback etc. as well as conception and implementation of to-be processes, e.g.
Introduction of a bonus and malus system for drivers, leading to ~30% lower accident costs, higher customer satisfaction, etc.
Optimization of shift planning by building on relevant KPIs, adding additional granularity, and introducing better software, leading to higher utilization
Improvement of fleet and damage management by collecting requirements and introducing more suitable fleet and damage management software
Redesign of payroll accounting by integrating data sources and automating calculations, money transfers and pay slip provision, for ~90% time savings
Konzeption und Einführung einer effizienten und effektiven Soll-Organisationsstruktur
Moderation of workshops to identify problems and develop solutions
Definition of a matrix target structure with newly defined responsibilities for subsidiaries and central functions
Creation or revision of dedicated role profiles for city managers, shift managers, drivers and administrative staff
Change Management during implementation
Enabled 10x growth to 60k trips per month by
Ensuring standardized, efficiency-optimized, smooth and customer-satisfactory business operations
Fulfilment of legal obligations according to PBefG, BOKraft, etc.
Laying the foundation for the SaaS franchise business